You can cancel your subscription at any time by following these steps:
- Log in to your StreamYard account
- Go to My Account
- Select Billing
- At the bottom of the page, click on Cancel StreamYard subscription. If you can't see Billing or the Cancellation button, you're probably logged into another account. Try signing in with other email addresses you might have used.
👉 After canceling, you'll still be able to use your paid features until your plan expires. Following that, your account will switch to the Free plan.
👉 Please note that your recordings will no longer be available once the paid term expires. We won’t be able to restore them later if you choose to reactivate your subscription. To download your content, follow these instructions.
If you're unable to find your account or access it, please submit a request on our Contact Form selecting Account & Login > I can't access my account.
If you require a refund, please check this article.