How to stream to Instagram using StreamYard

If you have a Professional Account on Instagram, You can use StreamYard to stream to Instagram! If you don't have a Professional Account, it's easy and free to switch. Here's how.  

This feature is available on all plans. Instagram currently has a 1 hour streaming limit

How to stream to Instagram

  1. Head to on your computer. It's not possible to set up the stream from the Instagram app on your mobile device. 
  2. Click Create on the left menu, then click Live Video. If you do not see these options, you may need to switch your account to a Professional Account. Here's how.
  3. Add your Title and choose your Audience. A Practice stream will only be seen by you, and a Public stream will be seen by all your followers. Then click Next.
  4. Copy your Stream Key. Head on back to StreamYard, click Add a Destination, then Instagram Live.
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11.03.54 AM.png
  5. Enter your Instagram username, then click Add Instagram Live. Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11.06.38 AM.png
  6. Click Home > Create > Live Stream. Here, you can select the Instagram destination you added and title your stream.
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11.14.58 AM.png
  7. At the bottom under Instagram Stream key, paste the stream key you copied earlier. Then click Create live stream
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 11.16.31 AM.png
  8. Your studio will automatically be switched to Portrait mode if you are streaming to Instagram destinations only. Click Continue in portrait. Alternatively, you can go to the studio settings to switch it to landscape mode if needed.
    IG switch to portrait.JPG
  9. When you are ready, click Go Live inside the StreamYard studio first, to begin sending your live stream to Instagram. Your video will appear in the "Preview" section on Instagram to the left of the RTMP details. Check to make sure your video and audio are coming in ok.
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 3.15.08 PM.png
  10. You can then click Go live on Instagram, to begin streaming! You must click "Go live" on both StreamYard and Instagram.
    Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 3.15.08 PM 2.png
  11. Once your livestream is finished, click End Live Video on Instagram, and End Broadcast in StreamYard. 
    portrait stream on IG.png

More information can be found on Instagram's Live Producer help doc here


Will I be able to see comments from Instagram in StreamYard while streaming?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to see comments inside your StreamYard studio when using Instagram Live. In order to see comments, you would need to keep the stream window open on Instagram to see them directly there. 

Does StreamYard stream or record vertical video (9:16 layout)? 

Yes, if you are using a Portrait studio, your StreamYard streams will be in a vertical, 9:16 layout. 

Can I post clips of my streams to Instagram Reels?

Yes! You can use our Shorts/Reels feature to trim and post clips of your streams directly to Instagram Reels. More info here

Will my followers be notified that I am live if I am streaming to Instagram from StreamYard? 

Yes. Your followers will get notifications that you are live!

What happens if I end my StreamYard stream but forget to end it on Instagram's end?

If you end your stream on StreamYard's end but forget to also end it on Instagram, it will automatically end by itself after 4 minutes.  

Can I mute the stream on Instagram's end to prevent echo?

Yes! Instagram automatically mutes your stream on their end and you can toggle the sound on and off as needed there too!

Why is my stream not appearing on Instagram?

It may be possible you are using an old or incorrect stream key. Double-check your stream key for typos, or try refreshing Instagram and setting up the stream again to generate a new stream key.

What happens if I close out of the Instagram tab while streaming?

If you close out of the Instagram tab while you are live, the stream will end immediately on Instagram's end. When you visit Instagram again, you will need to connect it to StreamYard again, using a new stream key. 

Can I add Instagram as a destination to my scheduled upcoming live streams?

Yes, you can add Instagram to a live stream that is scheduled as upcoming on your account. However, if you close out of your Instagram tab after setting up your stream, the stream key will refresh. This means when you return to stream later, it will not be connected to Instagram anymore. If this occurs, you can setup the stream again on Instagram, and click Edit in the studio on StreamYard to update the stream key to the new one. Alternatively, you could wait until before you're about to begin to stream to add Instagram as a destination. 

Will Instagram live streams be saved to archives?

Yes, Instagram live streams will be saved to your "Live Archive". If your streams are not appearing in your archive, double check your setting to ensure Save live to Archive is turned on. How to do that here

Why did my stream to Instagram show an error after an hour?

Instagram currently has placed a 1 hour limit on live streams. 

Can I see an example of how the stream looks on Instagram if I use landscape mode in the StreamYard studio?
Sure! We add blurred padding to the top and bottom of the video feed so that it fits vertically. Here is a screenshot of how it looks: 



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