
To connect a YouTube channel, you must either be the Owner of the channel, or a Manager/Owner on a Brand account.
Channels using "Studio Permissions"/"Channel Permissions" do not currently support live streaming for anyone other than the owner.

How to connect a YouTube channel

  1. Log into YouTube with the account that has access to the channel you want to connect.
  2. Go to the StreamYard destinations page.
  3. Click Add a destination
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 1.19.53 PM.png
  4. Click YouTube Channel.
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.55.17 PM.png
  5. If you're signed in to multiple Google accounts, select the account connected to the YouTube channel you want to connect.
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 1.02.12 PM.png
  6. Choose the specific YouTube channel you want to connect. The option with your email address under it is the main channel associated with your account. The other options below that say "Youtube" are the other brand channels that your account owns. 
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 1.07.26 PM.png
  7. Click Continue.
    Group 1.png
  8. Click Allow to allow StreamYard permission to your Google Account. 
    Group 2.png
    Please note: Some users may have to manually select "manage your youtube account" on the permissions page when connecting a youtube channel. If this option is not selected StreamYard will not be able to access the youtube channel
  9. You're all set! Your YouTube channel should now successfully be connected. 
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 1.16.00 PM.png

Once connected, your live stream will fall under the category that your last YouTube video was set to. For example, gaming, sports, news, etc.

Brand Channel isn't appearing as an option? 

If your brand channel is not appearing as an option to choose from, try:

1. Adding your original "main" YouTube channel as a destination to StreamYard first (this usually is the first channel in the list of channels to choose when in the account selection menu). After adding the "main" channel, the brand channel that is underneath it should now appear as an option to choose from to add as a destination to StreamYard. 

2. Double check to make sure the channel you are a manager on is a Brand Channel

StreamYard is saying to "Enable live streaming on YouTube"?

YouTube requires you to enable live streaming on your channel before you can stream.
After enabling streaming on your channel, you must wait 24 hours before you can stream.
You can enable live streaming on your channel, and check the status of your waiting period, here.

Already have streaming enabled?

Make sure you're connecting the correct channel in StreamYard.
To confirm the exact name and ownership of the channel, head to the YouTube live studio, click the profile picture at the top right of the page, and click "Switch account":
Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 1.18.21 PM.png


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