Troubleshooting camera issues

  1. Are you using the correct camera? Click the Settings button at the bottom of your StreamYard studio to check.
  2. Browser permissions. Ensure that your browser has the necessary permissions to access your camera. Check instructions for Google Chrome and Firefox
  3. Test your camera on a different site. Does your camera work here? If not, this may be an issue with your device or browser. 
  4. Is the correct camera selected? Click on Settings > Camera at the bottom of your StreamYard studio to make sure the right device is selected from the dropdown menu.
  5. Other programs. Is another program using your mic (Skype, Zoom)? Quit those, then refresh the page.
  6. Try a different browser. Our recommended browsers are Google Chrome and Firefox. If you are using Google Chrome, try using Firefox instead (or vice versa).
  7. Restart your browser and reboot your device. This fixes most issues.
  8. Extensions. We recommend disabling any extensions you have installed that may affect StreamYard.
  9. Are the webcam's drivers fully up to date? Instructions for Apple and Windows.
  10. Windows camera access. If you’re on Windows, navigate to your camera settings and check to make sure “Allow desktop apps to access your camera” is enabled on your device. 
  11. DSLR camera. With StreamYard, you can use any camera your browser is able to recognize as a “webcam” device, including most DSLRs and other high-quality cameras. If your camera offers it, you can connect directly via USB or you may need to use a capture card. For more details, check here


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