What happens when upgrading to a Business account?

Your StreamYard account

  • If you have an existing StreamYard account and are upgrading to Business, your past recordings and brand assets will all be saved!
  • After being upgraded, your existing account will become the first Workspace for your team (named "First Show" by default).
  • Your past streams and recordings will still be accessible through the Past Streams and Recordings page of this workspace.
  • Brand assets (logos/overlays/video clips/etc.) will be accessible within broadcast studios created in this workspace.
  • Brand assets will need to be re-uploaded to other workspaces to be used there.

Teammates' StreamYard accounts

  • If an invited teammate already has an existing StreamYard account, their past streams and recordings, and brand assets will not carry over to the business team.
  • They will still be able to access their personal account, along with their past streams and recordings, and brand assets by using the dropdown box at the top left of the dashboard to switch back to their team.


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