Connect a custom RTMP destination

In addition to our integrated destinations, StreamYard can also stream to any site or service that accepts an RTMP feed. For more info on custom RTMP streaming, check our our doc here.
Streaming to a custom RTMP destination requires a paid plan, and RTMP destinations can be multi-streamed to just like integrated platforms.
RTMP destinations do not support scheduling, a viewer count, bringing chat into the StreamYard studio, or the StreamYard giveaway tool.

Connecting an RTMP destination:

  1. Retrieve the RTMP stream URL and stream key from your destination platform.
    The steps for this can differ between platforms, so consult the platform's documentation for steps on how to find the RTMP details.
  2. Head to the Destinations page, and click Add a destination.
  3. Click Custom RTMP.
    Don't see this button? You may need to upgrade to a paid plan here.
  4. Enter the RTMP stream URL in the "RTMP server URL" field, and the stream key in the "Stream key" field.
    The "Nickname" field can be whatever you like, and is only shown in StreamYard.
  5. (Optional) If your RTMP destination has a server password (uncommon), check the box and enter the RTMP username and password.
  6. Click Add RTMP server.

You can now select this RTMP destination when creating a broadcast!


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