How do I delete a StreamYard broadcast and/or recording?

Deleting broadcasts and recordings can help you keep your account organized and free up storage space on your plan so you can continue to record new shows. 

What's the difference between a Recording and a Broadcast?  

A recording is the video file that is available after you go live. Recording of shows from your social media is only available on the paid plans, and recordings give you the ability to embed, share, and download to your computer. 

A broadcast is the past live stream, and it includes the studio, recording, and links for your audience/viewers to view your past live stream. 

How do I delete a Recording?  

Option 1: 

1. Head to Past Broadcasts and navigate to the recording you want to delete, and click the 3 dots. 
2. "Click Delete Recording."  Note: you will no longer be able to embed or share the video, but it will still be available to view if you live streamed to a destination (like Facebook, Youtube, etc). 


3. Click "Delete." Now you will have more hours of storage available to record future live streams. 


Option 2: 

1. Head to your video library

2. Click the three dots next to a recording you would like to delete, and click Delete

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 8.41.12 PM.png

How do I delete a Broadcast?  

1. Head to Past Broadcasts and navigate to the broadcast you want to delete, and click the 3 dots.
2. "Click Delete Broadcast."  Note: you will no longer be able to embed or share the video, but you can choose to keep the live stream available on the destinations by unselecting the platforms you streamed to. 


LinkedIn currently stipulates that if the event date has passed, the event cannot be deleted until 7 days after the event. However, if there were no attendees other than the organizer, the event can be immediately deleted.


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