How to add Text Banners/Scrolling Tickers to your stream

You can easily display static text as a Banner, or scrolling text as a Ticker on your stream with StreamYard!

Creating a banner:

  1. From inside a StreamYard studio, click the Banners tab on the right.
  2. Click Create a banner, enter your text, and click Add banner.
  3. Now that you've created a banner, click on it to display it on-stream!
    To remove it from the stream, click on it again.

Creating a scrolling ticker:

  1. From inside a StreamYard studio, click the Banners tab on the right.
  2. Click Create a banner, enter your text, check Scroll across bottom (ticker), and click Add banner.
  3. Now that you've created a ticker, click on it to display it on-stream!
    To remove it from the stream, click on it again.

You can change the style and color of your banners by changing the Brand color and Theme in the Style tab.



How many characters can I use in a banner?

Banners are limited to 200 characters. 

How many characters can I use in a ticker?

Tickers are limited to 1000 characters.

How many banners can I have per folder?

You can have 50 banners per folder. 

Can I add a line break to my banner? 

Unfortunately line breaks cannot be added to StreamYard banners at this time.


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