YouTube Super Chats, Member Milestones, and Gifted Memberships

StreamYard supports YouTube Super Chats, Member Milestones, and Gifted Memberships! These special chat messages are automatically starred in StreamYard! This is a great way to engage with your audience and receive donations to support your channel.


How To Enable Memberships and Super Chats For Your YouTube Channel

Currently, YouTube monetization (required for Super Chat) requires 1,000 subscribers, and 4,000 public watch hours on your YouTube channel. For Memberships, you'll need at least 500 subscribers and 3,000 public watch hours. Click here for more info on enabling Memberships. If you meet these requirements, here's how to enable Super Chats:

  1. Head to the YouTube studio, and click Monetization on the left side.
  2. At the top of the screen, click Supers, then click the blue Get started button.
  3. Scroll through the Paid Features usage agreement, type your name, email, and company name at the bottom, and click Accept.
  4. The screen should refresh, and after a moment, you should see that Super Chat (and Super Stickers) are now enabled!

YouTube Super Chats, Member Milestones, and Gifted Memberships will be automatically starred

Super Chats, Member Milestones, and Gifted Memberships will automatically starred in the StreamYard studio so you can easily find these important messages. Here's how it looks:


If you'd rather have more control over which comments are starred, you can disable the auto-star feature. Here's how to disable it:

  1. In the studio, click on the Starred tab in the comments area.
  2. Slide the toggle off next to Auto-star superchats. That's it! These chats will still show in your studio chat but they will no longer be automatically starred.



How many gifted memberships can be purchased at a time?
You can choose 5, 10, or 20 gifts.


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