You can automatically stream pre-recorded videos with StreamYard! Whether you're not able to be online at the time, are nervous about going live, or just prefer pre-recording, this allows you to easily stream any recorded video live. It's a great feature for when you need to schedule your live in advance.

Here's how to use it:

  1. First, pre-record a video! You can do this straight from StreamYard. You can also use a recording from your phone, camera, or any other video recording tool you use.
  2. Once you have a video ready, from the Home page, click "Create", and then "Live Stream."
  3. Click "Pre-recorded video", then choose "Select recording."
    Now you can choose a file on your computer by clicking "Upload" or you can choose a previous broadcast/recording from StreamYard by clicking "Past broadcasts."

  4. Choose the destinations you want to stream to and select the date and time. Then enter the title and description.
  5. (Optional) Schedule an announcement post, to show on the destination, telling when the video will be streamed. This will also create a link for you to share!
    • Please note: If you do not schedule an announcement post, a watch page link for your stream will not become available on your destinations until the pre-recorded stream goes live. 
  6. Click "Create broadcast", and the stream will be scheduled!

Now, from the Home page, you can click "Check status" on the broadcast to see if it's live, and to view it once it goes live. The livestream will automatically start at the specified time, and end once the video is finished.

Pre-recorded Streaming FAQs:

Why am I having trouble uploading my video/Why is my pre-recorded stream lagging?

Try following these steps here to re-encode your video file using Handbrake, and then re-upload to StreamYard.

Can I add a thumbnail to my pre-recorded stream?

Yes! When you are creating your pre-recorded stream, once you select "schedule an announcement post," the option to upload a thumbnail will appear. Please note: You will only be able to upload a thumbnail for streams going to Linkedin, Facebook and Youtube.  

Can I still show comments on-stream?

No, since the stream is running automatically, and not controlled by a studio. You can still view comments on the platform (YouTube/Facebook/etc), though.

How large of a video can I upload? 
You can upload videos up to Core or 10GB, on Advanced or 10GB, on Teams and Business or 25GB.

What's the maximum bitrate for videos?

You can upload videos up to 10Mbps (10,000Kbps) bitrate.

What resolution do videos stream at?

Pre-recorded broadcasts stream at up to 1080p on all paid plans.

What format video can I upload? 

You can upload .mp4 files, with H.264 video encoding.

How long can my video be? 

Your videos can be up to 2 hours long on the Core Plan, 4 hours long on the Advanced, and 8 hours long on the Team and StreamYard Business Plans.

How many pre-recorded streams can I schedule at once?

You can schedule up to 5 pre-recorded streams at once on Core. You can schedule up to 10 pre-recorded streams at once on Advanced. You can schedule unlimited pre-recorded streams on Teams and StreamYard Business.

How far in advance can I schedule a pre-recorded stream? 

You can schedule up to 365 days in advance.

Can I cancel a currently live pre-recorded stream?

Yes! From the Home page, click "Check status" on the current live stream, and click "End broadcast early".

Can I download a recording of my pre-recorded stream?

Yes, after your pre-recorded stream is finished you will be able to download a video recording of it. However, an audio recording of this stream will not be available for download. 

Can I schedule a pre-recorded livestream using a trimmed video? 

Yes! You can click the three dots to the right of the trimmed video, and click "Schedule Broadcast".

Can I schedule an announcement post after I have created my pre-recorded stream?

Unfortunately, once you have created your pre-recorded stream you cannot edit the stream to include an announcement post, or change the time of a scheduled announcement post. 

Can I replace the selected video after scheduling my pre-recorded stream?

Yes, as long as the pre-recorded stream has not gone live yet you can switch out the video that is set to go live. To replace the video click on the three dots to the right of your scheduled pre-recorded stream > Select the pencil icon to the right of the selected video. 


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