Hosting a Webinar with StreamYard

StreamYard On-Air is a live webinar platform that allows you to host your viewers on StreamYard!  Host a webinar, live stream, or event on StreamYard OnAir with the option to embed it on your website. Collect viewer information and email addresses through an optional and customizable registration form. No downloads are required!

How to create an StreamYard On-Air webinar

  1. In the StreamYard Home page, click Create.
  2. Select On-Air webinar.
  3. Select either Studio or Pre-Recorded as the source. Most choose Studio to go live, but if you've already recorded a video (on StreamYard or elsewhere) you can also upload that and stream it as if it were live via the Pre-Recorded option.
  4. Add any additional destinations, if you'd like to multi-stream. This step is optional!
  5. Enter your title and description. Select the date and time. 
  6. Select your webinar preferences. These are optional.

Registration- Viewers must register by entering their name, email and other optional fields. After registering, they will be sent a link to join the webinar via email and the option to add it to their Google, Outlook, or Apple Calendar. They can also download the calendar as an .ics file for custom calendars.

Upload Thumbnail- You can upload a thumbnail image up to 1920x1080 in size and .png or .jpg format to accompany the holding page of your upcoming webinar. This is optional but can add some custom flair to your webinar page.


  1. Click Create! Then you will be able to share the link to your viewers, or embed it on your site. You'll also be able to personalize your On-Air broadcast. More info on that here!


Once you have created your On-Air broadcast and viewers have started registering for the webinar, you can view and manage the list of registrations. This can be accessed by clicking Manage Registrations which is available both in the studio and from the StreamYard dashboard, by clicking the 3 dots next to your upcoming webinar. To export this list, click Export in the top right. 


To learn more about StreamYard On-Air, click here. 


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