While StreamYard can be used on nearly any device, there's some general requirements and recommendations for hardware and software that can help provide the best possible experience.


Other browsers may work with StreamYard, but these are the browsers we recommend for the best experience.

  • Windows, MacOS & Linux: Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera
  • Android: Chrome or Firefox
  • iOS & iPadOS: Safari

Due to browser limitations, Firefox does not allow the ability to select a speaker output, or use the "Reduce mic background noise" feature. For more information on this, click here


Streaming requires a lot of data, and a consistent connection, but your current internet provider should be fine. We recommend always connecting via ethernet to your router when possible; WiFi will work in most cases, but not as well, and could cause issues.

In general, we recommend at minimum of 5 Mbps upload and download speed. You can test your internet with Speedtest, or with TestMy.Net on mobile.

Hardware (device)

StreamYard can work on a variety of devices, but these are the recommended system requirements for the best experience. 

Windows, MacOS & Linux:

  • CPU: Modern (2015+) quad core Intel or AMD CPU (at least i7-6700hq or equivalent)
  • RAM: 4gb minimum, 6-8gb recommended
  • GPU: The iGPU in any modern CPU should be more than enough
    Note: The virtual background effect is more GPU-intensive, so a more powerful, dedicated Nvidia/AMD GPU may be required.
  • Storage: SSD recommended


  • iOS version 10 and below: Not supported
  • iOS version 11-12.2: Supported, but audio-only (no camera support)
  • iOS version 12.2-13: All features supported, except hosting
  • iOS version 13+: All features supported


Most Android devices running Android 9 or above will work great.
At least 4gb of RAM is recommended.


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