Does StreamYard have Stereo Audio?

Yes! If you are using a stereo audio input or microphone, you can enable stereo audio. Stereo audio is a feature that musicians will use to pan the sound and drive different audio signals through the left and right speakers.

How to Enable Stereo Audio 

1. In the studio, click Settings.

2. Select Audio.

3. To enable stereo audio, uncheck the box next to Echo cancellation and check the box next to Stereo audio. It is not possible to have both enabled at the same time. Having Echo cancellation on can add audio processing which reduces the audio quality in a stream. Stereo audio is high audio quality feature so Echo Cancellation needs to be off to enable Stereo audio.


To disable stereo audio, uncheck the box next to stereo audio. Remember to check the echo cancellation box if you're not wearing headphones. 

For viewers of the stream using a mobile device, the orientation will need to be horizontal, in order for them to hear the audio in stereo. 


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