Having trouble hearing your guest? Here are a few things you can check:
- Have you clicked the Add to stage button on your guest? In order to be seen and heard, a guest needs to be added to stage. Mouse over the small box at the bottom of the studio with your guest's name on it, and click Add to stage.
Have your guest go to Settings -> Audio. When they speak out loud, do the grey dots flash green in response to their voice? If not, their mic may not be working. They can check to make sure they have the correct mic device selected from the dropdown menu in their settings.
- If you're on a computer, it may be possible your speakers are not working. Try going to Settings -> Audio and clicking the Test button. If you don't hear music playing, try switching to a different speaker.
- Check to make sure your StreamYard tab is not muted. At the top of your browser window, right click on the tab, and check to make sure the setting says Mute Site. If it says Unmute site this means that StreamYard is muted, and you can click on it to unmute it.