Looking to optimize your content creation workflow? StreamYard offers the ability to automatically generate shorts/reels with captions from your recordings using AI!

How to Generate an AI Video Clip

  1. Complete a recording or live-stream with StreamYard, then navigate to the recording in your video library and click on it. 
  2. After your recording has finished processing, click on Generate underneath the Shorts and Reels section. 
    Group 1 (1).png
  3. After clicking Generate, StreamYard will process your recording, and use AI to automatically generate vertical (9:16) captioned shorts/reels with an associated title and description!
  4. AI generated videos are not editable. You can: 
    • Click the Download button to download the video to your device. 
      Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.02.13 PM.png
    • Click the Play button to view your generated clip.
      Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.02.56 PM.png
    • Click the Publish button to publish your AI video clip directly to your added Shorts & Reels destinations! 
      Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.04.03 PM.png
    • Click the three dots to the right hand side of your video clip to edit the title, or delete the clip. (You can also publish the clip from this menu)
      Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.06.40 PM.png
  5. If you see a message that says Unavailable after clicking the generate button, this would indicate that we were unable to find good enough content to recommend video clips for. Currently this feature is optimized to support interview-style recordings (Q&A format). 
    Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 12.09.24 PM.png


What languages are supported for AI video clips? 

Currently, this feature only supports English language content. 

How long will the AI video clips be? 

The generated video clips will be up to 1 minute long. 

How many AI video clips will be generated?

Based on available content, this feature will generate 0-5 video clips. 

Can I re-generate AI video clips? 

No. You are only able to generate AI video clips once. 

Can I edit the AI video clip to change the captions, or formatting?

No. It is not possible to edit an AI generated video clip. You can only change the title of the clip in your library. 



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