How to Restrict On-Air Webinar Registrations

Using StreamYard's domain restriction feature, you can limit your On-Air webinar registrations to be from specific email domains only.

How to enable domain restriction

  1. By default, your webinar registration will be set to Public, and anyone will be able to register. To change this, navigate to your On-Air Settings.
    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.18.22 PM.png
  2. Click on the Registration tab on the left hand side.
    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.19.35 PM.png
  3. Under the Privacy section, choose Restrict to domains.
    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.20.53 PM.png
  4. Click Add email domains.
    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.23.34 PM.png

  5. Add your desired domain. Remember to not include the "@" symbol when adding the domain (for example "" or ""). To add multiple domains, click Add another email domain. Once finished, click Save changes.
    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.33.49 PM.png
  6. Now, if someone tries to register for your webinar with an email address that is not on your domain list, they will see a "Restricted access" message:
    Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 2.34.45 PM.png
  7. Webinar registrants who have an email address with an approved domain will be able to access your webinar using a 6-digit access code we send directly to their email address. Learn more about accessing a domain restricted webinar here


How many domains can I add to the domains list?

You can add up to 25 domains to the list.

What happens if I enable the domain restriction feature after people have already registered?

If you enable domain restriction after other people have already registered, the restriction will only apply for future registrants. People that registered before you enabled domain restriction will still be able to access and watch your webinar when it begins. 


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