You can now personalize your content with Video Backgrounds for your StreamYard studio! Whether the effect is subtle or pronounced, you can create a fun and engaging experience for your viewers with an extra layer of motion.

How to use Video Backgrounds

  1. Enter the Studio or create a new one.
  2. Click on the Brand section on the right-hand side of the Studio.
  3. Scroll down to the Background section of the Media assets tab.
    Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 15.13.45.png
  4. Click the + icon to add a new background.
    Screenshot 2025-01-10 at 15.16.33.png
  5. Next, click "Add files," or simply drag and drop your video file into the window.
    The background video will automatically loop with no audio.
  6. Once uploaded, click on it to set it as your background.

That's it! Your video should now be available as a background in your studio! We've included some video backgrounds for you to use in your content or to get some inspiration to create your own backgrounds!


Is there a file size limitation for video backgrounds?
Yes, the maximum file size for a video background is 200 MB on our Core, Advanced, Teams Plans. The limit on the Business Plan is 300 MB. 

What file types can I use?
The supported file type for video backgrounds is MP4. You can also use GIF files as animated backgrounds as well.

What are the recommended dimensions?
We recommend using a video that is 1280 x 720.

How long can the video that I upload be?
The length of the file can be up to 1 minute on paid plans and 2 minutes long on the Business plan.

What plans is this feature available on?
All plans can access our built-in backgrounds (both image/video backgrounds). However, only customers on paid plans can upload their own video backgrounds.

Does the video background loop?
Yes. It automatically loops without audio.

Can I change the speed of the video background?
As of now, video backgrounds will play at whatever speed they were encoded in. 

Do video backgrounds work with virtual backgrounds or green screen backgrounds?
No, at this time the video background feature is only for the Studio background. We are exploring this!

What’s the difference between GIF backgrounds and video backgrounds?
The difference between the two is that they are different file types, but they are both animated backgrounds! You can use either one. 

Is there a hotkey for adding a video background?
No, not as of yet.

Do video backgrounds use more bandwidth?
Yes, it does use more bandwidth and processing power. Please note that our sample backgrounds are highly optimized though. If you upload your own video background, we will also optimize it, but not as much as the samples.

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