Yes, depending on where you're streaming to! If you're streaming to YouTube or StreamYard On-Air, your guests can post comments to your chat. Other platforms are not supported yet. Here's how to enable the ability for guests to post comments.
- Head to your studio settings and click Guests.
Check the box Guests see viewer comments and post to enable it.
Make sure to uncheck the box "Guests can stream this to their own destinations". When guest destinations are added, the guest will be posting comments to their own destination's live chats, not the hosts' destinations.
- Any guests present in the studio will see the Join the chat button.
- Click Join the chat and click Connect to log into your YouTube account.
- Choose your desired account and log in.
Now, you can post chats into the livestream!
On-Air webinars
Guests will automatically be able to join the live chat and post comments if you have Live chat enabled on your On-Air webinar. To enable Live chat, head to your On-Air settings page to check the box to enable Live chat.
What if I’m streaming to both YouTube & StreamYard On-Air?
The guest will only be able to join the On-Air chat at this time.
What if I'm streaming to multiple YouTube channels?
The guest's comment will be posted to each Live chat separately.