Publish Long-Form Videos to YouTube, Facebook Pages and LinkedIn Profiles

Using StreamYard, you can edit your recordings into videos up to 2 hours long, and publish them directly to your YouTube channels and Facebook pages! You can also edit your recordings into videos up to 20 minutes long, and publish them to LinkedIn!

Here's how

  1. Navigate to your Video Library, and click on the video you would like to edit and post.
  2. Click on Edit and Repurpose in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select Videos (16:9) on the left.
    Group 3.png
  4. Edit your video. Make sure it's under 2 hours if you want to post it directly to Facebook or YouTube, and under 20 minutes for LinkedIn. When you are ready, click Publish!
  5. Choose the destinations that you would like to post to. If it is not added yet, you can click the + button to add it as a destination. Learn more about adding destinations here.

    Repurpose destinations.jpeg
  6. Add a Title and Description for your video, and click Publish to publish it!


Can I publish longer videos to my YouTube channel, LinkedIn profile, or Facebook page?
No. You can only publish videos up to 2 hours long at this time on YouTube and Facebook, and 20 minutes long on LinkedIn. If you would like to publish a longer video, you can download the file directly to your computer, and upload it directly to the platform.

Can I publish long-form videos to social media destinations other than YouTube, LinkedIn profiles, and Facebook pages?
No. Only these destinations are currently supported. 

StreamYard shows that the video was successfully published to my Facebook Page and/or my LinkedIn profile but I don't see it. Why?
Videos published to Facebook and LinkedIn may take a few minutes to appear. If it doesn't appear immediately, you may be redirected. If this happens, please wait, return to StreamYard, and try again after a while.


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