Having trouble streaming to Kick.com using our Custom RTMP feature? You're not alone!

The Stream URL provided by Kick seems to be missing the necessary info for StreamYard to be able to connect successfully. Using this URL instead (and the stream key provided by Kick) should work:


Setting up your Custom RTMP Destination to Kick

1. Head to your destinations tab, click Add a Destination and then Custom RTMP

2. Enter the the URL above, and the RTMP stream key provided by Kick into the respective fields. Screenshot

3. Click  Add RTMP server to save it as a destination. 

4. Create a live stream, and select your saved RTMP destination. 


5. Click Go Live in the upper right hand corner. Your video feed should now appear on Kick!Screenshot



Why are comments and the viewer count from Kick not appearing in the studio? 

Streams to a Custom RTMP destination are not able to receive comments or a viewer count from the destination. 



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