How to Edit Your Recording's Thumbnail Image

You have the option to customize the thumbnail image for your live recordings. By default, the thumbnail image typically consists of a 'snippet' from your broadcast. However, now you can personalize it with any image of your choice. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this.

Uploading Your Own Recording Thumbnail Image

  1. Go to the Library tab by clicking on "Library" at the top left.
  2. Next, click on the three dots for the recording and then select "Upload thumbnail" or "Change thumbnail" if you uploaded an image before.
    Change thumbnail.jpeg
  3. Locate and select an image on your device to use. 
  4. Position and size the image.
  5. Click on "Apply" to finish the process.

The uploaded image will now be shown in the video library area of your account. It will also be the image people see when they go watch the recording via the share link. Learn how to share your recordings here.


Are there suggested image specifications that should be followed?
Yes. We recommend using an image that is 1280x720px and 20mb or less in file size. JPG or PNG file types work best as well!

Will the uploaded thumbnail show up in the link preview when I share the link to the recording?
Not at this time. The default StreamYard description and image will show in the link preview instead.


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