Exporting Local Recordings as Project Files

In addition to providing you individual files of local recordings, StreamYard also can create a project file with all your recordings aligned in the right order! You can export this project file into Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X and DaVinci Resolve, saving you hours of editing time!

How to export

1. Click on your video in your video library.

2. If your Cloud Recording is fully finished processing, and you have at least one local recording file, you will see the Export button next to the Download All button in the Local Recordings section. 

Screen Shot 2022-12-14 at 2.48.05 PM.png

3. Click Export then choose to export your recordings as a project file for Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X and DaVinci Resolve. If you are using a different editing program you can decide to download the files as Synced Recordings instead (Coming soon!).

4. Click the Download  button. StreamYard will begin preparing your project files for download. Make sure to keep this menu open while your files generate!

5. Once the files are generated, they will download as a zip file to your computer. The folder will contain your cloud recording, all your local recordings from your broadcast, as well as the Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X and DaVinci Resolve project files for your use in editing. When you import these project files all your local recordings will be aligned and synced correctly on your timeline for you.

Importing Project Files

DaVinci Resolve

1.  Double click on the downloaded .zip folder to expand it. 

Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 3.58.26 PM.png

2. Open up your folder of Local Recordings, and drag and drop your video files into DaVinci Resolve's Media Pool.


3. In the upper left hand corner, go to File -> Import -> Timeline

Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 4.34.45 PM.png

4. Navigate to your local recordings folder, click on the .xml document, and then click Open to open it in DaVinci Resolve. 

Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 4.35.49 PM.png

5. Click OK.

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6. Your project should now be successfully imported into DaVinci Resolve!

Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 4.39.02 PM.png

Final Cut Pro

1.  Double click on the downloaded .zip folder to expand it. 

Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 3.58.26 PM.png

2. Open the unzipped folder. Inside, double click the Final Cut Pro X project.fcpxmld file and this will open your project in Final Cut Pro. 

Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 4.59.35 PM.png

3. Final Cut Pro will show you a dialog box asking you to choose a Library to import the project to. Choose an existing one or create a new one.

Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 5.00.14 PM.png

4. After Final Cut Pro opens, you will see your project listed in the project pane on the left. Upon choosing the project, it will display the cloud recording with all the local recordings synced to the correct positions ready for you to edit!

Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 5.00.59 PM.png

Premiere Pro

1. Open Premiere Pro and create a new project.


2. Once you have created the project, go to File>Import


3. Navigate to the folder that you extracted the zipped files to and select the XML file.


4. This should import several items to your Project bin in Premiere. Find the Sequence file (as designated by the icon) and drag it onto the Timeline.

5. Once on the Timeline, the Sequence will display as one green video and audio track. Double-click on the green video track to expand the Sequence.

6. You should now see all your local recordings, as well as the full mixed "cloud recording" positioned on the timeline! To stop the audio from doubling, make sure to mute the audio track of the cloud recording. You can also delete the cloud recording if you choose.


What if a guest's local recording is not finished uploading? 

Any incomplete local recordings will not appear in your exported project files. You will be notified of any incomplete recordings when you go to Export them. Your guest can visit streamyard.com/upload at any time within 30 days of the broadcast to finish uploading the files. 

Why am I not able to see the Export button? 

The Export button is only available if your cloud recording is fully finished processing, and you have at least one local recording that is fully finished uploading. 

Can I export project files for a video editor other than Premiere, Final Cut or DaVinci Resolve?

At this time, StreamYard only supports exporting project files for Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X and DaVinci Resolve. For all other video editing programs, you are able to download the "Synced Recordings"!

How do I import the project file to DaVinci Resolve?

In DaVinci Resolve, go to File and select Import timeline. When prompted by DaVinci Resolve to search for another folder, choose Yes and locate the exported project folder. Your local recordings will then be visible on the timeline.


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